software, electronics, manufacturing, life sciences, energy, renewables

Software & Electronics


Consumer Products

Life Sciences

Energy & Renewables

Data & Privacy

About Athena Legal’s Industry Experience

Athena Legal has vast industry experience working as fractional in-house counsel. Through supporting technology contracting, negotiations, IP licensing and strategy, or simply the overflow of SaaS contracts, Athena Legal works directly with the C-Suite to manage external counsel in big projects or specific matters, or on an ad hoc as-needed basis or as supporting your in-house counsel. Erika has diverse corporate technology leadership and in-house legal experience. She is well-versed in many industries and understands the legal challenges that technology companies need to balance with their scaling business objectives.

Industries that Athena Innovation Serves:




Corporate Commercial


Mechanical Devices

Medical Devices

Mobile Applications


Oil & Gas

Privacy and Cybersecurity

Software as a Service

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